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Spring  2025
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March and April

Spring on its way! 

As Spring arrives, the farm begins bursting with life. The fruit trees are waking up and our busy spray programme begins. In April, the first stunning cherry blossom will be out.  The apple blossom will be close behind and we look forward to the beautiful pink orchards when its in full bloom. 

It is a busy month on the farm with lots of work being done to prepare the farm for the harvest.. Mowing, spraying and tidying as well as continued grubbing work to ensure we have a future stock of logs for the coming winters.

Pierce Mill Sweep

Nick continues sweeping chimneys through

the year.  Nick is registered with and regulated

by the ICS (Institute of Chimney Sweeps)

and is fully insured. You can visit his website directly at

 You can see his services, prices, contact details and

great images of his work.  Please note Nick books his

 diary so you will need to contact him directly to

book your sweep or chimney services.

To contact Nick, use the sweep button below



Sturdy Stores

We are very happy to support Dan in his new venture.

As our most valuable team member, he has experienced

lots of log stacking in your stores. He has designed

and built ‘Sturdy Stores’. Good luck Dan!

To View Dan's stores and for contact details

please click the Sturdy Stores button below. 

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Spring 2025, the farm begins to wake from the still winter.  We are looking forward to the cherry and apple blossom as the trees start to come alive. The beautiful blossom is the prettiest time of year, and after winter makes everyone and everything feel better. 

Tree Trunk
Logs  2025/26

We are delighted to announce that we have been working hard in the background and are an approved 

'Ready To Burn' fuelwood supplier. 

This means you can be sure we are processing and obtaining our wood supplied to good standards in  compliance with the new Air Quality Regulations.

If you would like to order your logs for delivery, we are delivering our Apple Hardwood Logs.  They can be ordered on our website now. To order, just visit our log shop by clicking the button below. 

Logs  2025 - 26

Our Hardwood Apple logs are now sold out for this year.  We now also bag our apple logs and they are available to buy in our log shop. Minimum order for delivery is £30 or you can collect from the Farm, just let us know

when your are coming.

  Full details of all our available logs and prices are on our  LOGS PAGE.

Stocks will be updated throughout the year as we have them.  You can order logs at any time of the year to avoid the busiest months. 

 When available, you can place your log order by clicking here. 


Tree Trunk
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Pierce Mill Farm

Tree Trunk

We keep busy all year round, during spring and summer, we grow fruit for the local and wholesale markets. Our main crop is English apples; we currently grow Gala, Cox, Windsor and Bramley apples.  

We also grow several varieties of delicious English cherries and sell them from our pop up summer fruit stall at Pierce Mill Farm.  It is situated in our cherry orchard on the corner of Pierce Mill Lane.

In the autumn and winter we supply and deliver locally quality seasoned hardwood and mixed wood logs. We also bag kindling and mixed wood for wholesale and local customers.

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If you would like to get in touch, have an enquiry or offer some feedback, please complete the contact form to send us an email and we will get back to you.


*To apply for our  harvest work at Pierce Mill Farm in 2025. Please Click HERE

*Please NOTE. If you are from the UK, then please send us your CV or complete the application page and we will contact you for further information.  If you are from the EU and reside in the UK or have valid UK working status, please send us your CV or click the link below to complete the application form. 


If you are from outside the EU you must have valid UK working status for us to consider you application.

No visa = No job

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Pierce Mill Lane, Golden Green, Tonbridge TN11 0LA, UK

FARM OFFICE: 07526 066315

Email :    

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